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  St. Rose of Lima was the first person born in the Western Hemi-sphere to be canonized. Pope Cement IX  declared her a saint 1668 and she is the patron Saint of Peru,  all of South America, the Indies and the Philippines. She is the patron saint of embroiderers, gardeners, florists, people who are harassed for their piety, and those suffering family problems
   Born into a noble family, her parents kept her from the religious life for ten years and never allowed her to live in a convent. Instead, she chose to live in a hut and endured a life of severe austerity. Though she was largely a recluse, Rosa was devoted to the sick and hungry and raised funds for the poor through the sales of her skilled needlework and fine lace. Her funeral was an occasion of public honor, and many miracles were said to have occurred after her death.

Dimensions:  2  3/8"x 2"

Santa Rosa Cross

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