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   St George is considered the patron of knights, soldiers, scouts, fencers and archers, among others; he is also invoked against the plague and leprosy, and against venomous snakes. In legend, St. George is famous for killing a dragon, thereby saving the people of the region.  

   In 1028, Duke Alan of Brittany built a richly endowed convent for his sister, Adela, who became the first abbess of St. Georges while still a child. The foundation charter reads, “I offer to God my sister, the most precious treasure I possess, and moreover, I dedicate her according to her spiritual desire to perpetual virginity.”
    Some believed that he built the nunnery  to guarantee the salvation of his soul and perhaps to rid himself of a girl-child with no marriage prospects.
    There were rumors that the real reason was to remove his sister from worldly  temptation.  She may have been emotionally involved with a master stone carver who worked on the construction of the nunnery. Legend has it that he carved a large stone cross for the courtyard of the convent. He used entwined hearts as the design to demonstrate his unrequited love for the abbess. The design of this cross is based upon that legend. 

Dimensions: 2" x 1 1/8"

St. Georges Convent Cross

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